It's Day 1 of OSCON and it's the first of the "tutorial days". It's similar to the few days leading up to VMworld where you can pay a little extra and go to the pre-conference bootcamps. You can look at the entire OSCON 2014 Schedule to see the list of tutorials and sessions.
The conference feel is unlike any of the big ones. There wasn't a single banner outside advertising the event and there were only a handful banners and signs inside that pointed where you needed to go. In fact, it took me about 10 minutes to figure out that OSCON was sharing the venue with 3 other Cons and I had to walk a quarter mile to get to the location.
As much as I really wanted to attend Get Started With the Arduino - A Hands-On Introductory Workshop, I figured it probably wasn't in my "career's" best interest. Maybe I'll do this tutorial next year since it's been going 4 years strong. So I opted to attend Getting Started with OpenStack: Hands on Tutorial with Egle Sigler & Cody Bunch, and Introduction to Docker: Containerization is the New Virtualization with James Turnbull.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a new fish (shawshank reference) when it comes to OpenStack and Docker. I've spent a good deal of time messing with the both, but I've never taken any
formal training. It's the same thing as your boss telling you "Go install vCenter" when you have no idea about the underlying features and functions of ESXi. When messing with any new technology I believe you need to grasp the foundation before you start going crazy. There's only so much you can learn from self-discovery and reading documentation. This is why I opted to take these "introductory" courses so I can learn from the people who make the product.