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JumpSquares v1.2 - Nmap XML Parsing

Over the past 2 weeks I've been working on implementing a new feature that was requested by Christian Mohn (@h0bbel) on the the vSoup Podcast. This new feature will hopefully allow you to create more JumpSquares faster.


Version 1.2 (1.9.14)

  • Added Nmap Scan XML functions. Upload Nmap XML file to create JumpSquares quickly.
  • Changed a bunch of deprecated Rails 3 warnings to be Rails 4 compliant.
  • Uploaded new wiki appliance with all new functionality and Debian Wheezy patches
  • Fixed bootstrap modal appearing on right side of screen


Nmap is a free tool used to perform port scanning on a network. To get started, download Nmap for Windows, Mac, or Linux and install it on your system.



Mac & Linux users:

Open up a terminal session and change your current directory to a desktop location or somewhere easy to navigate.


For Windows users:

Open up a command (cmd)/DOS Window and change to the directory you installed Nmap into (cd "\Program Files (x86)\Nmap"). On Windows releases prior to Windows 7, specify \Program Files\Nmap instead. If you execute Nmap frequently, please read this.


    • Type the following (Mac & Linux used may need 'sudo' for root):
nmap -sS -O -v 192.168.10.* -oX output.xml



Executing this command will do a stealth scan against the entire subnet and save the scan to output.xml. Change the .xml name if preferred. The subnet style can be replaced with different paramters. The length of time will depend on the amount of hosts and the amount of open ports. Go grab a beer (or coffee).


After the scan has completed, Upload the Nmap Scan XML to analyze missing JumpSquare entries based on DNS and IP. All XML files are stored using AES-256 server-side encryption on JumpSquares.net. Deleting a XML entry will completely remove it from the system including the file itself.

After the Nmap XML has been uploaded, navigate to the Nmap Scans (in the settings dropdown). From here, you will get a list of all Nmap XMLs that have been uploaded. During the page load, code is ran that analyzes each Nmap XML. The code parses the XML to find the total amount of hosts that were found on the network scan and compares them against your configured JumpSquares. This is how we know if there are missing JumpSquares that can be created.


To view the XML scan, click on the button for the name. In this instance, I will click on "test1". I can see right away that the missing JumpSquares are highlighted in red. The code will scan your JumpSquares based upon the IP Address or the Reverse DNS Lookup names. If the JumpSquare is missing either one of those parameters it is highlighted in red. I have also gone through and added images for the OS type that was discovered during the process. Linux, Windows, Avaya, Cisco, and many more will be seen in the OS column. The scan also displays the open ports that were discovered to help you better determine what application may be running.


If a JumpSquare has not been configured for a DNS or IP address entry, click on "Create JumpSquare", which open the JumpSquare creation form. The DNS or IP address will be pre-populated for you.



How to Update Your JumpSquares appliance to the latest version

Instructions are located at the bottom of this page ->JumpSquares.net - a new kind of bookmark

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