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Come Find Me @ VMworld

It's that time of the year again. VMworld 2013 is upon us and by the looks of my twitter stream, everyone is making their way to SFO. I know I haven't had a chance to meet many of my followers and I'm hoping to extend that network further this year. If you see me, lets make an effort to connect, and not just on LinkedIn or Twitter. If i'm not working the booth, then I'm probably wearing a pair of rainbow sandals.

This year you won't catch me at a single session. I've got a Solutions Exchange only pass, so that means you know where you will find me. So here's my schedule of things I will have a presence. I will also be in the hang space instead of going back and forth to my hotel. So you will find me there or I'll be looking for cool new products on the show floor. Usually those small booth in the very far back have some great tech you should check out:


4:14pm: Arrive to SFO. Catch BART to the hotel, then go out and buy a black belt. I have no idea what happened to my good black belt, so I've got some last minute shopping to do.

7:00pm and on: I may be at vBeers. Not sure, but there is definitely going to be dinner happening somewhere.


9:00am: vBreakfast at Mel's Drive-In.

3:30pm - 7:30pm: VCE Booth Duty. Come and hang out. There's going to be a lot of booth duty happening.

8:00pm: VMunderground


9:00am: Recover from VMUnderground and find something to eat. Watch the keynote from the hotel room. It's live streaming, why see it live?

1:00pm - 6:00pm: More VCE booth Duty. I'll sneak away every so often to come see everyone at the hang space for vBrownBags

7:00pm: VMturbo party (invite only)

10:00pm: Xangati party (invite only, but this is one you can't miss if you got invited. This party alone is worth the trip to VMworld)


9:00am: keynote. this keynote surpasses the executive ones usually for me. it showcases some cool tech and isn't live like Monday's.

11:00 - 3:30pm: VCE Booth Duty again. Seriously, why haven't you come over and said hi yet?

4:00pm - 6:00pm: VCE User Group Meeting. I will be assisting one of VCE's finest execs, Jamie Erbes (@jamielerbes), demo'ing VCE Vision Intelligent Operations. Anyone is welcome to come to this event. We will give you a good overview of VCE's latest software release and answer any questions that may be on your mind.

Location: The Palace Hotel (3 blocks from the Moscone Center @ 2 New Montgomery St San Francisco, California 94105 USA), Sea Cliff Room

6:30 - 7:15pm: VMware vExpert and VCDX reception. (Invite only)

7:30 - 8:30pm: Cloud Physics Party (invite only)

8:30ish to 9something: EMC Cloudfest (invite only)

9:00pm: Veeam Party (hope you got your invite to one of the hottest parties at VMworld)

10:30pm: #vBacon hosted by @CommsNinja


9:30am - 5:00pm: VCE Booth Duty. Holy cow, an 8 hour shift after that crazy Tuesday? I don't think I've done a shift like that since working my restaurant days.

1:30 - 2:30pm: I will be with Scott Lowe and Forbes Guthrie at the Sybex booth signing books from our latest publication New Book: VMware vSphere Design - vCloud Design by Kendrick Coleman

6:00pm and on: not sure about the concert because i don't care about Train, but perhaps a sushi gathering


Breakfast and catching a flight out at 1:00pm to head home. I think I will be wiped out.

Don't know what to do or where to go? Be Social and find time to join these parties. Here's a list to find everything: VMworld 2013 Gatherings, Tweetups, Parties and Activities

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