VMware vCloud Director Networking - From Setup to Install
vCloud Director networking is one of the trickiest pieces of the stack. Put it this way, if you can understand vCloud Networking, then understanding everything else is vCloud should be fairly simple. I don't want to get into the concepts of "what is an external network?" or "what is a fenced network?" because a lot of the information is already available. I would encourage you to watch Mike DiPetrillos VMworld 2010 & 2011 talks called "vCloud Networking Finally Explained." Or check out Massimo's blog post vCloud Director Networking for Dummies. This is geared towards making you understand the layers of Organizational Networks and how it relates to External networks, etc.
This is going to be mainly focused on things that need to be setup that you don't normally find in the install guides.
First thing is first, you must think about design.
How many external networks do you need? An external network should be a VLAN that A) already exists within your corporate network that you want connections attached to such as a dev/test network, connections to IP based storage, etc or B) VLANs for vCloud external access to the internet. The amount of external networks is completely dependent on your environment, and will solely rely on where the VMs inside the vCloud need connections. These external networks can be Layer 2 or Layer 3 networks.