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Entering the Cloud through Virtualization

On Wednesday March 31st, 2010, I will be giving a presentation at my Alma Mater, the University of Kentucky. I will be giving a presentation to a class of students in my former Decision Science and Information Systems major. This scope of this presentation is to give students an introduction to virtualization and cloud computing. It's not overly technical, but should give an understanding of how virtualization works, the benefits of virtualization, why companies are embracing virtualization, and why virtualization is the platform that enables cloud computing.


Guest Speaker
For DIS 390 and All Interested Parties
An Introduction to Cloud Computing
Mar 31, Wednesday 4:30PM-5:30PM, Gatton B&E 205 
Kendrick Coleman
(A former Gatton College DSIS graduate)

Ever since Google CEO Eric Schmidt publicly uttered the term "cloud computing" in 2006, a paradigm shift has been occurring in the way that companies acquire and leverage information technology capabilities. To envision the cloud computing, you have to understand what drives it: the rapid growth and deployment of virtualization in many of today's the data centers. Most  production workloads are running on virtualized servers. A virtual infrastructure that is always highly available with resources on-demand enables the scaling of business applications with minimal costs involved. By entering the cloud through virtualization you will have a better understanding of the underlying technology and its many advantages, as well as obstacles that cloud computing must overcome. We'll discuss what is virtualization, why virtualization is important, the features that enable virtualization to be called a cloud computing platform, the three different kinds of clouds, and what the cloud computing holds for the future.

About the speaker: Kendrick Coleman, a 2006 University of Kentucky graduate, has molded his career from the DSIS classroom to an IT professional with emphasis on IT infrastructure geared toward virtualization and other trending technologies. Mr. Coleman holds his CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate), VCP3 (VMware Certified Professional in VI3), and VCP4 (VMware Certified Professional in vSphere) certifications.


Download the Presentation

  • Each slide has comments as speaking points and explanations. View with full animation. Included is a video within this zip file. You will need a codec package on your computer to view the video (ffdshow). In addition, you may have to edit the video slide to point back to the correct video file.


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