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Blog Giveaway - Win a Copy of VMware vSphere Design 2nd Edition!


It's that time again!! Every year I always get to do a giveaway on my blog. Fortunately, the publishers over at Sybex have given me a copy of the latest published book from Scott Lowe, Forbes Guthrie, and yours truly, VMware vSphere Design 2nd Edition.

VMware vSphere Design 2nd Edition


What You Need to Make the Right Design Decisions

vSphere is the most robust and sophisticated hypervisor product available today. It is the de facto standard for businesses, both large and small. This book—written for engineers and architects who plan, install, maintain, and optimize vSphere solutions—is the only one of its kind to concisely explain how to execute a successful vSphere architecture that's tailored to meet your company's needs. Expert authors share with you the factors that shape the design of a vSphere implementation.


Packed with real-world proven strategies, it's the perfect guide for deploying a new design or transforming an existing one. Inside, you'll explore:

  • The fundamentals of designing VMware environments
  • The overall design process
  • Key things to consider, such as server hardware selection and sizing, security, virtual machine templates, and more
  • How networking and storage landscapes impact vSphere design
  • Design decisions that a typical company encounters, taking into consideration availability, manageability, performance, recoverability, and security
  • Designing VMware vCloud Director environments!!!!!

Sweet... so how do I enter? Join kendrickcoleman.com on Facebook! You must first like the page, then go to the "Book Giveaway" tab and enter.


Go to the kendrickcoleman.com facebook page, hit the "Like" button, and you are going to receive great content from my blog. When you Like the page, you will have access to enter your email address for the giveaway. If you are a mobile user go here -> http://woobox.com/tcvayv. The entry window will end at 11:59:PM PST on Monday July 15th 2013. A winner will be drawn that afternoon and contacted for their mailing address. This contest is open to anyone in the world and I'll ship this book to Dubai if I need to. I swear that liking my page will not junk up your facebook news feed. It will only use RSS mechanisms for new blog posts. I am not collecting any information.

The contest rules

  • What if you don't have a facebook account? You can always sign up for one :). But for this contest, its strictly facebook entries.
  • Only one entry per person.
  • The contest is not associated with facebook and I will not be collecting any information from you.
  • You must be a resident on planet Earth.
  • A winner will be drawn on Monday July 15th and contacted for a mailing address. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new winner will be drawn.
  • If you share your entry and a friend enters, that means you get 2 entries.
  • That's all! Good Luck!!

A total of 87 entries.... and the winner is....  Matt Baldwin! congrats Matt. Look for an email soon for your mailing address.

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